1. Acknowledge The Conflict
No one enjoys conflict, so it may be tempting to pretend it doesn’t exist or it will resolve itself. While this may happen, trying to ignore a problem will often cause it to worsen. Ignored conflicts grow over time and reappear
at in-opportune times.

2.Define The Problem
Obtain as much information as possible on each side. The parties should remain focused on the issue, also, avoid personal emotions during the discussion. Talk through the problem professionally without attaching a particular person or group to it.

3. Meet on Neutral Ground
Clarifying a problem or discussing a resolution should be carried out in an environment that feels safe and neutral for all parties. Such a place also enables all involved to have honest communication.

4. Let Everyone Have A Say
Let each party have an opportunity to express their views and perceptions regarding the issue. Give them equal time to have their say. Embrace a positive approach in the meeting, and if necessary, set ground rules. Encourage all involved to share thoughts openly, comprehend the conflict’s causes and begin to identify solutions.

5. Agree On A Solution
After listening to both parties, take time to investigate the case. Do not prejudge or come up with a final verdict based on what was said. Each party should provide an acknowledgment that the proposed solution is the best one possible.

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