1. Vision
First and foremost is vision. Whether communicated via a simple mission statement or a corporate manifesto, a company’s vision can be a powerful tool.

2. Values
Values, while a broad concept, can embody the thinking and perspectives necessary to achieve a company’s vision. They can serve as a beacon for behavior necessary to progress toward all manner of success. Examples of values include fairness, trustworthiness, integrity, performance excellence, teamwork, and a high-quality customer experience.

3. People
People come next, with companies employing and recruiting in a way that reflects and enhances their overall culture. Plus, people are the key to bringing corporate culture to life and obtaining the high-value performances that can lead to favorable business outcomes.

4. Narrative and Place
Lastly, narrative and place are perhaps the most modern characteristics of corporate culture. Having a powerful narrative or origin story.

5. Teamwork
Employees should be encouraged and trained to work together with camaraderie and trust toward common goals. The benefits of teamwork, such as problem-solving, the development of innovative ideas, and improved productivity, should be demonstrated to the workforce.

6. Training and Education
Companies should provide the means for employees to improve their skills and enhance their knowledge so that the vision and goals of the company can be more reliably reached. Training and education can also provide employees with a path to new opportunities within their companies. This can motivate individuals to learn and do more.


There is no single strategy for building a corporate culture because companies, industries, and people can be so different. However, the basic steps below may help you envision a corporate culture that spells success for your employees, clients, and company.

1. Define your company’s vision, values, and behaviors.

2. Gather feedback from employees about your company’s values, ideas, and work methods to improve the workplace environment and performance.

3. Use small discussion groups, surveys, or town hall-type meetings to engage your employees and give them a voice.

4. Establish methods, such as training at regular intervals, to communicate company values/behaviors and determine how well they are understood.

5. Employ high-quality internal communications to maintain consistent contact with employees about company goals, the working environment, and employees’ roles in the company’s success.

6. Establish guidelines that reinforce company values, e.g., a rule that employees should not be disturbed by work phone calls, emails, or texts during vacations or other types of time off.

7. Recognize employees in a positive and public manner as a reward for their contributions to corporate success.

8. Practice what you preach—ensure that management maintains a consistent behavioral approach to operations rather than cutting corners when convenient.

9. Be approachable so that all employees may address their concerns and feel connected/of value and foster teamwork rather than silos and isolation.

10. Set goals for diversity and inclusion; celebrate the differences among people as you encourage consistent behavior from all.

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